Saturday, June 16, 2007

The Gravity Room!

Hold the presses: A new beer shop here in Olympia! A quite good one, too, on first impressions. The Gravity Room opened June 15th at the corner of 4th and Quince Streets. Formerly an aquarium supply shop, the new business has transformed the space dramatically. Clean, bright, warm...very non-aquatic.

But what about the *beer*, you ask? Coolers on four walls, stocked to the gills. The owner, Jeff Bert, has been in the beer industry for thirteen years, including being a Northwest rep for New Belgium; he knows beer. Everything from American craft brew, to English, German, Belgian, Danish, Japanese imports can be found on his shelves. I lost count at eight different kinds of lambic--there are probably more. Lagunitas, New Belgium, Dogfish Head, Elysian; they're all there and more besides. Moreover, every day from 4-6 PM there's a tasting session--Jeff picks one beer and hands out samples. He's also going to be doing more in-depth tasting sessions, and hopes to even get representatives from European breweries to show up for special tastings every so often.

The stock should be cycling often, Jeff says, so there will always be something new. Anyone looking for beer in Olympia should definitely check them out. I know I will.

Their website is here.